Academic Information
Flexible curriculum
Two options
European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
Learning Agreement & credit transfer
Start & end date
Flexible curriculum
The EuroScholars program offers a flexible curriculum individually built around each student's academic needs. The curriculum is established in dialogue with the professor supervising the Research Project (the central element of the curriculum). This makes the program unique for every student. This flexibility means students will have less difficulty in integrating the EuroScholars curriculum into their US curriculum and students can make the best use of the opportunities host institutions offer in combining research with coursework.
Two options
There are several standard elements in the curriculum regardless of the host university: a Language & Culture Course/s (classes), a Methods & Literature Review (independent study) and the Research Project (including a paper or article). The Language & Culture Course/s will give the student basic knowledge of the language and culture of the host country. In most institutions the student will enroll in a regular scheduled course with other international students. The Method & Literature Review will provide the student with the opportunity to best contribute to the Research Project by independently reviewing scientific literature on the area of research.
EuroScholars proposes two different basic curriculum options to assure that the characteristics of the program are best represented (academic research and language and/or culture). Both options have a total of 30 ECTS for one semester of participation.
The credits per component and for the full program will vary. A full-time credit load must be maintained by the student. Whether a student chooses option 1 or 2 also depends on if the preferred host institution offers courses in English in the field of study.
The basic element is always the participation in the Research Project participation.
Option 1 (higher research focus)
6 ECTS Language & Culture Course/s
6 ECTS Methods & Literature Review
18 ECTS Participation in Research Project including article/presentation/paper
Option 2
6 ECTS Language & Culture Course/s
6 ECTS Methods & Literature Review
12 ECTS Participation in Research Project including article/presentation/presentation
6 ECTS Elective course in the field of research
> Downloadable Information Sheet (.pdf)
> Course Information - Quality Assurance
European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
Credits are given in ECTS at almost all European universities. 30 ECTS represents the workload of a semester of full-time study. 1 ECTS equals 28 hours of study, including preparing for and attending classes, reading books, writing papers, studying for tests, presentations and exams. ECTS are awarded if all examination requirements that have been set beforehand have been met. The number of ECTS varies per course or project.
For EuroScholars students the number of ECTS per program element are specified and confirmed through the Learning Agreement. Where a student is not participating in an existing course, with set examination requirements, clear agreements should be made and formalized in the Learning Agreement.
> More on ECTS (.pdf)
Learning Agreement & credit transfer
The curriculum, examination requirements and credits to be awarded for successful completion are formalized in the Learning Agreement. The document will be completed by the student and signed by four parties: the student, the research supervisor, the home institution and the host institution (for general approval). The Learning Agreement will thus be the basis for credit transfer.
After completion of the semester abroad, the student will receive an official transcript from the host university, listing the course(s) and research taken and grades and credits received during the study period. With the transcript, credit transfer can take place.
Start & end date
The academic calendars vary at the different EuroScholars universities. In general a student applies for the Spring or Fall Semester. But individual arrangements can be made and may, for example, depend on when the Language & Culture Course/s is/are offered.